Wednesday, April 26, 2006

This is my 13th week of classes. Only two more to go after this.

This is also the first week that I'm really really feeling the weight of working full-time and being in school full-time. I've been tired out the ass prior, but nothing like this...

I had an Anatomy test on Monday, I have a Massage I test tonight (mother of god, there are way too many physiological and therapeutic benefits to massage--getting you to poop is only the tip of the iceburg), *AND* I have a debate to do in Ethics tomorrow (against assisted suicide) that I haven't even started writing yet.

Did I mention that I'm actually *FOR* assisted suicide? Um yeah. I think people should kill themselves all they want. In fact, I'm more than happy to help them out. I know quite a few people that could use a good offing. Call me Ms. Kevorkian.

Lack of sleep = bitterness.