1. I *think* I got chastised by some anal retentive blow-hard yesterday for wearing a "civilian" top before class. Apparently, if you're under 40, you couldn't *possibly* be coming to class directly from work! And apparently I'm going to have to start changing into my scrubs in my car... because "I'm too sexy for my shirt... too sexy for my shirt... so sexy it hu-urts."
2. God bless my roly-poly Russian massage instructor yet again because he let us go sit outside on the picnic tables in the glorious sun for an hour and a half while he lectured about the physiological effects of massage. It is much too much fun listening to people try to decipher his thick Russian accent:
"So the second step in heat elimination is "reparations?" (*All the civil rights leaders say "heeeeeey"!*)
"No! Is evaporation!"
I stared intently at his cute little corn teeth for an hour and a half, as I'd never noticed them before. They are very cute and corn-like. Tee hee.
3. Apparently they filter the tension-building instrumental score to Nightmare on Elm Street into the massage room in the guise of "relaxation music"--I swear to you, the whole time I was massaging, I was nervously half-expecting Freddy Kreuger or Chucky to suddenly come lurching out from beneath a massage table, wielding a very large knife. Between *that* relaxation loop and the one that consists mainly of trickling, pee-inducing water, it is amazing to me that anyone is EVER able to reach a state of relaxation there.