Wednesday, July 19, 2006

It's funny. When I went into this whole massage-school thing, I went in thinking, "It's a trade school. How fricking hard can it be??" Many of my fellow students have said the same thing.

So I am surprised and awed on a fairly-regular basis at the answer which has come back again and again to bitchslap me across my haughty little arrogant face.

Next week's anatomy midterm (which got bumped back a week) covers all the bony landmarks on the body. There is nothing short of 281 bones and/or bony landmarks that we must be able to label on both diagrams and on actual bones. Two hundred and eighty-fricking-one. That's how fricking hard it can be, Self!

It nerds me up to be able to do this though, despite (or maybe perhaps because of) having spent about ten hours in the sweltering heat on Sunday, trying to memorize them all.

There is something beautiful in just the naming--it feels like what it must've felt when people first stumbled across plants or stars and, in awe and reverence, bestowed upon them the best name they could think of.

This is also why when anatomy folks look down upon poetry and literature, I want to sucker punch them. To me, naming is a form of wonderment, just like poetry.

And next Monday, I'll be wondermenting 281 times. =)