Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"You can't beat me on the grade. You can't beat me on the grade!"

Oh last night. Last night, last night, last night. Why did you have to torment me so?

Last night was my night of two major midterms--Physiology and Anatomy--and a night of very jangled nerves.

The drive to school found me chain-smoking the shit out of a pack of cigarettes I had stupidly bought last week, not out of nervousness due to the midterms, but out of nervousness due to the fact that I'd had my head up my ass earlier yesterday morning and, deciding to put some more engine coolant into the car since the light had flickered on and off a few times over the past week or so, had obliviously filled the coolant all the way to the top of the spillover-tank. Damn you paper cone that blocked my view of the tank-fillage! Thankfully I did so on a hot tank, so while it *did* do a bit of splattering on the inside of my engine, it was minimal. But all the while I was driving there, I was picturing great bubbling Shakespearean cauldrons of coolant seeping and oozing and spilling over in my car and *that* most certainly did not ease the nervousness of the two midterms on the horizon.

And the physiology midterm was an absolutely unexpected hair-raising experience once I got to school (thankfully with no major car-complications). I had studied my ass off (E even ran through my notecards with me) and I knew that shit like no one's ever known shit before. And yet there were like 15 questions that I really had no clue about and had to use my power of deduction (and my PLEASE DEAR GOD, GUIDE ME TOWARDS THE RIGHT ANSWER prayers) for. The cafeteria immediately afterwards was packed full of Phys students bitching about the exact same thing--that there were way too many things on the test that we'd never ever gone over before. And yet, she insists that she did. My anal-retentive need to write every single thing down in note-taking form says otherwise though. Thankfully, my ability to educatedly guess pulled through for me and I ended up with a low-A (which should be getting bumped up to a middle-A once she caves and gives us an extra point or two for stuff that she admits she may not have gone over). I am not a big grade-person, but I like to conquer stuff, so I felt like I'd rassled an alligator to the floor with Phys.

Anatomy, on the other hand, was ridiculously easier, despite it being the more hyper-intensive one when it came to studying. I labelled every one of those motherf-ing diagrams 100% correct--BOOYAH, babies. Got a few wrong on the practical part (labelling parts of actual real-life, three-dimensional bones) but was pleased overall with that as well, seeing as a couple of the ones I got wrong were actually the correct bone, I'd just thought it was the left bone instead of the right and so labelled things the mirror image of what they should've been. Lemme tell you though, when you have a bone sitting in front of you, all by its lonesome little self, they are damn hard to identify.

I bailed immediately after my Anatomy midterm, as it'd been WAY too long of a day. Here's to hoping that I didn't completely f- up the bubble-portion after having felt supremely confident about it.

The night ended with jangled nerves as well (and probably my first wish ever that I had a cell phone) when I had the pleasure of driving home near a pretty much absolutely tanked person who was weaving like Ray Charles on a tight-rope (would he really be weaving though--he'd just fall off, no? yes, yes. i just cannot think of a better simile) and who came up on me so fast and so close from behind (despite no one being in the lane to my left) that I actually had to speed up way over the speed limit to ensure that (s)he wouldn't slam into the back of my car.

It was like being chased by that truck out of Steven Spielberg's Duel, but totally not cool or 1970s at all.

And when I got home I slammed my cat in the door.

And then, suddenly, I woke up. It had all just been a dream! Or had it? Dun dun dunnnn.

Alas, it hadn't been. So tonight, I have to study for my Massage II midterm. *Fart*

Massage ye not the ringworm and warts! Massage ye not!