Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Last Night

  • We randomly got on the topic of porphyria which is this weird disease that King George had and which, back in the day, people confused with vampirism because folks who had it had bad reactions to sunlight, so they'd mostly stay in all day and only go out at night, and they were pale.

    Never thought I'd be talking about vampirism in a Phys class.

  • Had a lengthy conversation with the Bane of My Existence about my job and what it is precisely that I do down to the most minute details. Like a 15-minute discussion. He was weirdly interested in the topic. I don't think I've ever talked in such detail about what it is I do. I don't think anyone's ever ASKED or cared enough to want to KNOW the details. And to think, it was all because I said I'd love to poison my coworkers with rat-poison-filled muffins.

  • The Bane of My Existence got in cute nerded-up little-kid mode when he started talking about some book that apparently looks at the role that certain diseases/physiology have played in historical events--like the Boston Tea Party as being rooted in King George's porphyria, or some dude winning some battle because his opponent got a really bad gallstone. He kept grinning the whole time he was talking about it and waving his hands. Such delightful nerdliness.

  • Apparently, when the president has to take a plane somewhere, all the hospitals in areas the plane will be flying over have to make sure to have his blood-type on hand in case there's a plane-crash.

    F-ed up, if you ask me.