It has been *WAY* too long since I've posted last. I've been busy like I've not been busy for years. Especially at work. Hence the lack of posting.
Oh, but that doesn't mean that nothing's going on. Oh no.
Here's some fragments from the Land of Massage Therapy:
- I massaged a minor a few weeks ago--a 17-year old lacrosse player. Made me feel a bit old--he was so little, and I wanted to be like, "You're so young, you baby you." He was cute and delightful and chatty and blissfully and obliviously 17-years old, which was symbolized by him actually not giving thought to the fact that *perhaps* you shouldn't ask the person massaging you: "So, like, the guy massage therapists who go to this school, like, um, are any of them straight?" Oh, little boy, you are lucky the door was ajar and you caught me off-guard, otherwise you might've received a mouthful.
- Our new instructor, the one of maggot-infamy, is turning out to be not quite so good, and I'm not sure whether I should be directing my anger and disgust at *him* or at *the school* for not cluing him in as to what's going on. Despite being a wicked-smart fellow, he's not big into explaining things. Actually, that's not quite right: he's big into explaining the same few things over and over again, while glossing over the rest. Instead, he'll just pass it on by with a warning that "you should probably know this, so make sure to look at it." Is it just me, or isn't it the job of the instructor to EXPLAIN the stuff that we "should probably know" so that we might be able to understand it? Yesterday, after class started 45 minutes late due to his lack of organizational skills and planning, and after we went an hour and a half without a break, despite him NEVER EXPLAINING ANYTHING TO US IN A WAY THAT OFFERS US CLARITY, I got disgusted and left during break. If I'm gonna get stuck teaching this shit to myself, why should I waste four hours sitting in a classroom, eyes glazed over, not learning a goddamn thing, when I could be at work and getting out at 3pm instead of 8?
- I am shocked and amazed that after this semester, I will only technically have three classes (and one seminar) left. It is such a strange (and delightful) feeling.
- In business class, our final project this semester is gonna be a business plan we have to create for our own business. I am actually a bit excited about this project since it's an idea I've toyed around with anyways--I would like to own my own place eventually, and after reading The Massage Therapy Journal and realizing that the #1 complaint among most MTs is that they didn't receive any business-training at their school, I feel a bit appreciative that we will be learning at least a LITTLE bit about what would be involved in starting our own business.
- In the aforementioned business class last week, I thought for a second that I had coined my own witty phrase and was gonna have to write a whole goddamn business book, just to show it off in all its glory. Alas, I googled the phrase the next morning, and someone else had already thought of it: "If you've got a niche, scratch it." *sigh*
- My back and right leg are all fucked up and have been for the past few weeks. I am a bit afraid that this is because I've started clinic again and am massaging people 3 hours a week... It frightens me that there is a possibility that, despite my attempts at using good body-mechanics while massaging, that giving massages may result in me being in pain. I am hope hope hoping that perhaps the problem is a pre-existing hip-problem that I have, and that once Chiro-man fixes me, I'll be perfectly fine after 3 hours of massage. Otherwise I'm fucked.
- I think my crush on Chiro-man has finally been snuffed out. And apparently all it took was a conversation in which he talked about grilling ribs and playing baseball.