Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Worms Go In, The Worms Go Out, The Worms Play Pinochle on Your Snout.

So we've had floater-instructors the last two weeks of my A&P class because apparently the individual they hired to *be* our instructor decided very last minute that he no longer had any desire to teach the class. C'est la vie.

But finally today we got our new instructor, and I was all grins when he introduced himself by telling us how the very first patient he ever had was a guy who came in with a maggot infestation. Apparently the patient was nonplussed by thate fact since it was his *third* maggot-infestation and the prior time the maggots were *way* bigger, so they weren't bothering him quite so much this time. And apparently maggots are actually very perfect little creatures--they only eat dead tissue, so they squirm back in and out of the wound, cleaning out all the rot on your behalf. They don't touch any of the healthy stuff. Which means they leave (and I quote) a "beautiful" wound (as my instructor so cutely put it, with a bit of awe in his voice)--perfectly cleaned out, perfectly perfect in most every way. And apparently all it takes to get rid of the maggots is to spray some sort of icy-cold spray-medicine on them--they hate the cold. Now, if you ever get infested with maggots, you'll think of me and know precisely what to do.

But seriously, it's always a bit refreshing when your instructor introduces himself with a maggot-story, because at least you know that the class will be anything but dull.