Yesterday, Instructor from Craptown spent 10 minutes talking about a patient who had her labia grafted onto her face to replace her missing lips that were damaged in a terrible car accident. We are learning about the digestive system. Thus, this was the utmost in relevance.
Yesterday, 1/3 of the class didn't show up. About 10 minutes into a class that started 40 minutes late (yet again), half the remaining class got up and left out of disgust to go study in the cafeteria instead.
Yesterday, I realized I have a bit of a girl-crush on a girl in my class. I get girl-crushes very very rarely (it's about as regular as eclipses), and right now I'm still trying to decide if I dig her because I want to *be* her or if I dig her because she is badass and I wanna get wit that.
Yesterday, Instructor from Craptown left once in the middle of class because he hadn't brought an old phys test with him that we needed to get back to study for the upcoming midterm. Then he left again because he'd not realized we had an Anatomy test scheduled for yesterday and needed to go look for the tests. And then he left to run our bubble-tests through the machine that scores them. And then he realized that it had scored them all incorrectly because he had told us to fill in the bubble for Form B when we should've filled it in for Form A. Then we went over the test to try to figure out the correct answers. And then he handed the tests back to us to grade manually and we went over the test AGAIN to grade them (because apparently it didn't make sense to combine these two events so as to not waste more time). And then we went over the test one last time for reasons unknown. And then he left again because he hadn't brough an old anatomy test with him that we needed to get back to study for the upcoming midterm. Time spent reviewing for the anatomy midterm next week: 0.
Yesterday, as everyone was flipping out in class and going off about Instructor from Craptown, I got asked how I stay so completely zen in the face of all the irritating madness. "Drugs," I said. "Lots and lots of drugs."