Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bells & Motherf-ing Whistles

Unless I find a fantastic job that I just can't turn down, one which pays more than I'm currently making and offers kick-ass benefits, I think I will end up working at my current place of employment through the end of 2008.

This may end up being four more months than planned, but given the piss-poor state of my finances right now (buying a car this past year and paying for school for the past 2 1/2 have drained my once well-nourished savings account), I need to budget budget budget and save save save so I can make this transition and get the hell out of here already. And I need some sort of buffer in my savings account, just in case things don't work out. Massage therapy is kind of scary that way: break your wrist, and you could conceivably be out of work until it heals back up.

And this may end up being a blessing in disguise, really, because this year I have four weeks paid vacation, which means if all goes well, after my state board exam, I can take a week off to hopefully go get trained in Trauma Touch Therapy in Colorado, on my company's dime. And that ain't anything to scoff at.

The other nice thing is, it really doesn't take me much money to live off of. If it weren't for school, I'd be saving money like mad (and if weren't for the fact that I tend to not pay attention to the state of my finances as much as I should be).

Nonetheless: I need to buckle down. I could've and should've been saving more this past year than I managed to. The car snuck up on me and drained all my monetary illusions. And now I'm suffering for it by being forced to think of the cruel fate of adding on a couple months here.

It's strange and scary being all adult-like and shit.

But still: ladies and gents: *TRUMPETS SOUNDING*

Let it be known that as of January 28, 2008, I will officially be starting my final semester of massage therapy.

As of Feb. 22, I will be an official applicant for the State Medical Board Exam.

And on June 17, 2008, I will finally be tested on how much I've learned over the past two and a half years.

Unfortunately it'll take two months for me to find out if I learned enough to receive certification for the state of Ohio (and this scares the fricking beejesus outta me), but I plan to study my motherfucking ass off the next 6 months and get my shit in gear to stomp, smash, and knock the State Board Exam out of the ballpark.

I am all nerves, ladies & gents. I am eager for the change that is a-coming, but it also sends jittery nauseous trills up my spine.

So keep your fingers crossed for me. Say prayers, if that's the way you roll. Send good vibes in my direction.

And perhaps, if you help me out with all that, I'll give you a discount on the flipside, when I've finally got that bright and shiny certification in my hand.