I Am *SUCH* a Fricking Nerd
This semester has been such a drag (hence the lack of posting), and up until today, I wasn't really able to pinpoint why.
But I just was doing a bit of googling for muscle insertion-origin-action study-aides for my upcoming review classes (since this is my weak-point when it comes to anatomy and physiology), and my heart and brain suddenly and excitedly skipped a beat at the thought of how I'm gonna have to study my fricking *ASS* off this next semester, how my brain's gonna have to be gnawing the SHIT out of every little bit of information about the muscles and bones and how they function.
Who the hell gets off on that fact?
Apparently me.
And apparently that's why I've been feeling like such a slug this past semester: no A&P to push me to my limits. No new and interesting knowledge forcing me to study my ASS off. No crazed charge that comes with knowing I need to learnlearnlearn this shit.
I suppose I really should be thankful that I'm such a fricking knowledge-whore, but it's hard to be when you're mostly just creeped out by yourself.