It's such a shame that my Physiology & Anatomy instructor is such a complete and total tool because, truth be told, he really knows his shit and he's fantastically good at explaining things in a simple and easy-to-remember way.
But man alive, does he make me wanna kick him in the nutsack. His anti-English-major ranting continued unabated again last night as well.
The funny thing is that there wouldn't be any such thing as Physiology and Anatomy if it weren't for language. I mean, anatomy is, by its very definition, the labeling of the body's parts and structures. So if you didn't have words, anatomy wouldn't exist. Words are tools that allow us to communicate. Words exist to classify. Words exist to place order on things. All of which science is contingent upon. And all that literature is essentially, if you wanna broaden the scope out, is an attempt to classify, place order on, and make sense of the world around us through words. Maybe writers of literature aren't classifying body parts, but they're trying to make sense of and pinpoint something about the human condition; and this is important and useful in its own respect.
So it makes me laugh and want to kick nutsacks when science snobs look down their noses at English majors. Because you know what? Science folks would still be sitting there, picking their asses and throwing their own poop at other science folks if it weren't for the beauty of language and words.