More Things I Know About My Ethics Instructor's Life (But Really Wish I Didn't, And Could Give Two Shits About, For That Matter)
1. Her brother has a problem with diet pills.
2. Her younger sister is 11 years younger than my instructor (and my instructor has sneakily read some of her diary).
3. My instructor broke into and snooped around in her brother's house (at the request of her parents) looking for diet pills.
4. Her boyfriend is vain.
5. Her boyfriend has to have gum surgery because they put his veneers on incorrectly. He's going to have to walk around with tiny nubs of pointy little teeth for like 6 months.
6. Two of her friends had sex with one of her boyfriends in high school (see sidebar quote).
7. She sleeps with her mom and her sister.
8. She has no clue how to pronounce the following words: maleficence, kinesthetics, and conception.