Monday, May 15, 2006

FSHHHHHHHHHHHHHH <--- The Sound of Wind Blowing Through a Barren Desert

(Also the Sound of Someone Peeing with the Door Open)

My week already feels startlingly empty with no classes at all 'til next Monday.

*Cue tumbleweeds*

I suspect this is a good sign--that it just reinforces the fact that I (strangely and bizarrely and weirdly enough, what with being a nerdy English/Philosophy major) really love the shit that I'm learning, and really just love the learning.

Either that or (also likely) it's just due to my obsessive compulsive need to **ALWAYS** **BE** **DOING** **SOMETHING**.

For that reason, I expect lots of anal-retentive, time-filling baking/movie-watching/friend-carousing this week. Yes yes.