Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Perhaps One of My Biggest Pet Peeves

My anatomy instructor last night during class:

"There's nothing that makes me more angry than when I hear about someone hurting a child or hurting an animal. If I ever saw you doing one of these things, I would *mess you up*."

Five minutes later (with absolutely no sense of irony):

"Oh my god, a really nice, tender pork chop is *the best*. Oh, and ham. OH MY GOD. To die for." (This continues on for about 10 minutes. Yet again. During the middle of class.)

I'm sorry, if you eat meat, do not even say to me that you give a shit about animals and their well-being. Because you do not. If you did, if you truly felt compassion for them, you'd make that connection, and you wouldn't eat meat. And I can't think of anything more deserving of a big, juicy wad of spit in the face than some stupid asshole pining about how much they love and care about animals and then skittering off to their meat-laden breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

*Yes, venomous anger. But I'm allowed it once in a while, goddammit.