Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Friends and Family Can Suck Our Massaging Dicks!

So bad news for some of you:

Apparently they're doing (have done) away with the whole "Friends and Family" massage clinic dealio. This semester is the last semester we can conceivably sign up for it, and all it would really count towards is one credit hour. Given that I'm already hauling my ass out there three days a week this time 'round, there's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to wing driving up there on Sundays as well.

So yeah:

No massage for you!

I am gonna find out whether I can (just of my own accord, and perhaps to get some extra clock-hours) sign up just to use the tables on an occasional Sunday; in which case, if/when you all want me to poke and prod you in all sorts of (non-dirty) kinds of ways, just lemme know, and we'll "make an appointment."

The other alternative is sprawling out on my bed and having me massage you. But since my bed is much wider and more awkward than a massage table, that may require some straddling and whatnot. Which isn't much fun unless I'm wearing my 8-inch heels and pleather bustier. But the choice is yours.

I needs to start doing some researching so I can get me a massage table.

And some nipple clamps. Mine are damn near worn out.