Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Box and Me

My A&P Instructor (henceforth referred to as AP): Oh, don't even get me started on that. Vaccines are the worst of the worst. (mimicking someone else's voice) Here, instead of letting the body build up its natural defenses against various germs, we're gonna pump you with pig or egg cells that have germs injected into them. Because THAT'S natural. And because THAT makes the most sense. *rolling eyes* Uh yeah. I mean, Pasteur (who invented the first vaccines) said on his deathbed that he regretted having ever invented the vaccine. I mean, what does that tell you?

T___: But then why is it required that kids get vaccinated before they're allowed to go to school?

AP: Gah. See, this is what I'm saying. Just because the school tells you to do something, you do it? I mean, if a teacher told you that your kid needed Ritalin because they're ADD, would you go out and put them on it? No! I mean, it's a teacher, not a doctor telling you to do this. What the hell do they know? And Ritalin is like one bond short of cocaine. Yeah. So if the school tells you that you have to get your kids vaccinated, you're just gonna go out and do it? Just because the school tells you to? We need to start thinking outside of the fricking box already when it comes to health and healthcare in this country. Instead of feeding money to the drug industry, we need to start embracing alternatives. YT, you're vegetarian, right?

Me: Uh, yeah.

AP: More specifically vegan, correct?

Me: Yeah.

AP: And how do people react to that when they find out?

Me: Well, it freaks them out. They think that just because I eat vegan, it means I'm some big hippie Commie weirdo. They immediately act like it's the weirdest thing they've ever heard, instead of just sitting back and giving it a minute or two of thought and actually giving a bit of consideration to the possible REASONS behind it and the LOGIC involved in it.

AP: Exactly. That's what I'm saying about thinking outside of the box--it scares the crap out of people. And yet, you (as a vegan) have more alkaline/basic blood rather than acidic. You're probably at about an 8 on the pH scale, whereas the average meat-eater is at about a 6 or a 7. And it's much healthier to have basic blood rather than acidic. You also absorb nutrients and vitamins way better. So many meat-eaters defecate black because their bodies are just leaching out nutrients and vitamins. It's ridiculous. (Drawing a box in the air) That's what I mean--thinking outside of the box. If more people did this, we'd be a lot healthier of a country.

[And of course, I immediately went up to him after class and made-out with him fiercely and joyously. =)]