Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Things Since Last We Spoke (Or Since Last I Spoke at You and You Pretended to Care, You Big Fake!)

  1. Saw Bane of My Existence's children and wife the other night. He was herding them through the hallways and shushing his delightfully curly-haired and angelic daughter while she yammered away. I would like to say that having physically seen that he is a father has effectively cut off my crush at the knees. But alas, it did not. In fact, it made it a bit more squishy, truth be told.

  2. Chiro-man adjusted my neck last week and it was *THE LOUDEST CRACK EVER* (I think because it was jammed up). Immediately after the noise echoed through the room, he shouted "Oh, yeah!" and for a second, massaged my shoulders like trainers do their boxers when they return to their corner, bloodied and battered, after the bell. I felt like shouting "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!" and flitting around a little while jib-jabbing the air with my fists. I also pictured the Rocky theme song playing. But when I pictured it, I think it was "Eye of the Tiger." Which is from Karate Kid, not Rocky if I remember correctly. *Jib-jabbing some more*

  3. I was gonna say something about pain here today, about it being subjective and how there was something cool about that fact and that it had intriguing ramifications. But now I don't remember what it was. Use your imagination.

  4. Scheduling classes makes me nervous. Only three more semesters (technically two, but I'm sticking around for one more out of necessity), and I feel uber-paranoid that something's gonna get fucked up and I'm not gonna get done on time.

  5. Something something something.