What Are Those Fish Called?
- So, both Chiro-Man and Bane of My Existence have each shown up to class once (at least that I'm aware of) looking positively translucent and ethereal and with skin so pale that they look like some sorta strange bottom-feeding fish in the greatest depths of the ocean, ones that have never ever seen the light of day (and which have those weird eyes that are on rods). They apparently need to get out in the sun more.
- Bane of My Existence (who just blows my fucking mind sometimes) went off on a tangent last night about a whole school of scientific study dealing with proportions, and the interrelationship between proportions and anatomy and physiology, and how each and every part of each and every living being has a specific proportion that is intended to relate to every other structure of the being's body so that the body can function in its ideal state. It just fucking blows my mind that our structures are THAT fucking amazing and beautiful and perfect in so many ways:
- Last night, the Tom Waits song "Jitterbug Boys" came on my ipod on my way out to school, and I realized that Bane of My Existence often uses a quote from it, talking about "fast women, slow horses" and it made my ears perk. Granted, clearly Tom Waits ain't the only one to spin this phrase, but for a second--just a second--I thought maybe perhaps.
- While trying to explain the momentum of blood in the veins last night in class, Bane of My Existence drew a picture on the board of two large hills with a person on a bike at the base of the second hill and a person on the bike at the top of the first hill. The point was that the person who starts out on the top of the first hill will have a much easier time making it back up to the top of the next hill because they'll have picked up the momentum from speeding downhill to help them get back up. The person starting out at the base of the hill is pretty much shit outta luck because they're lacking the momentum. The problem was, when he asked us (after drawing his picture) which person would have a less difficult time getting to the top of the next hill, I had the terrible urge to shout, On *those* piece of shit bicycles you just drew? Ain't NO ONE gonna make it to the top. And what's up with that one dude's eye being obscenely larger than the other? I *didn't* shout it, but I couldn't stop thinking it. So for the next five minutes while he was trying to explain all this, my lips kept quivering with pent-up laughter and I swear I thought I was gonna go all maniacal on his ass.
More stuffs on the proportions and all that:
* The Golden Ratio
* Brief points about proportions and art
* Phi
* Body proportiony stuff