Monday, May 07, 2007

Physiologically-Related Things I Was Thinking About While Taking a Leak Today

You know how sometimes you eat something that makes your pee smell (like asparagus, or less well-known, Paul-Newman's Marinara Sauce)?

Well, how does that work precisely?

I mean, if I were to cut open various organs that the sauce has entered on its digestive route, would it smell still?

What about, say, an apple that doesn't stink up your pee? Would it SMELL like apples if you cut open your stomach while it was in there?

And assuming that you pee out what your body is trying to filter out and/or doesn't need, then how does the body decide that it doesn't need asparagus-stench but it DOES need apple-stench? Shouldn't your pee smell like pretty much ANYTHING you ate, seeing as smell isn't necessary for the body to function correctly?

If not, then what the hell's happening to all them other smells? If you popped me open, would a whole stink of culinary aromas emanate forth (excluding asparagus- and Paul Newman's Marinara Sauce-stink, of course)?

I'm sure I could look all this up, but I am not quite clear as to what would make the most effective google query.

That, and I'm lazy.

And it's finals week.

So stop fucking pressuring me.
