Monday, May 07, 2007

Sig Heil, Abolf Hitler!

A month ago, I made fun of one of my classmates for having some weird Ace-Ventura-related way to remember that acetylcholine slows down the heart rate (holy crap--I only just realized the connection: ACEtylcholine. Der).

Well, I must now bite my tongue, thanks to my fella. This weekend, when he was quizzing me for the Anatomy final I have tonight, one of the questions he asked was "What muscle is innervated by the medial plantar nerve?" The correct answer is the ABductor hallucis, but I kept confusing it with the ADductor hallucis.

I cussed this fact out, and my fella said, Just remember it by thinking of ADolf Hitler. Problem is, that would remind me of the WRONG answer, not the RIGHT one, which I pointed out to him.

Fine, he blurted, then think of ABolf Hitler.

Most retarded memorizational device ever because a) Adolf Hitler doesn't really have anything to do with plantar nerves ANYWAYS, and b) ABolf Hitler (obviously) isn't even a real person.

And yet, you guessed it, I now have no problem remembering the correct answer.