Wednesday, November 08, 2006

One Must Learn to Correctly Spell the Pee-Pee

Yesterday night, we got to watch a cadaver video that illustrated all the muscles affecting the upper extremities and scapula and their accompanying actions. It was really kinda cool (and yet creepy) watching an alive man pull on a dead (wo)man's flexor digitorum profundis and see her fingers flex in direct response, especially when there is no skin covering them so it's all just muscle muscle muscle. The only thing that really creeped me out quite a bit were the shots where the forearm and wrist muscles were exposed but the flesh was still remaining on the hand itself. It was strange and leathery and looked like some sort of creepy flesh-glove. I also found myself a bit surprised and weirded out by how large an artery actually is. I must say though, if I hadn't been veg*n prior to watching that, I think I most definitely would've been afterwards.

In other news, our A&P instructor apparently does not know how to spell the word "VAGINA." (On his powerpoint Monday night, it was spelled "VIGINA.") This mispelling is presumably either due to a) lack of use (double-entendre intended), b) complete lack of spelling abilities, or c) a typo. Fortunately for him, I suspect that the second option is the case and not so much the first.

Nonetheless: good god, man!