The Lady and the Two Majors
Hmmm. How to yammer excitedly about trade-related stuff that you'll probably be like, "Uh, don't care" about while keeping things interesting?
I'm not quite sure. But I can say this:
Despite the fact that I've been EXHAUSTED the weekends of our 20+ hours of seminars (like this past weekend), I really am digging on what we're learning.
Basically, we're learning PNMT (precise neuromuscular therapy) which allows us to be able to treat specific muscular problems. But what's so cool about it is that it just makes the dumbest most obvious sense ever, where you're like, How the hell did I not think of this earlier?
Basically, what we're learning to do is how to very precisely treat muscle-pain by not only treating the muscle itself but by also treating its antagonist. For example, if you are having neck pain from sitting in front of a computer all day, most therapists will immediately work on your neck muscles that are actually physically sore. PNMT, in all its genius, also teaches us to work on the antagonists. In this example, the neck muscles (the agonists) are contracting to try to keep the head from falling forward. So they're tired from overwork. However, the CHEST muscles (the antagonists) are the ones that are PULLING our head and neck forward into this awkward position. So the idea is to also spend time on THESE, because once you relax them, then the head will no longer be getting pulled forward, which will allow for less stress on the neck muscles. So in this case, you'd also work on the pecs and the subscapularis which are all drawing the shoulders down and forward. Brilliance.
Also, I absolutely love the completely perverted mnemonics that people think up to remember things.
Case in point, our instructor for the upper-extremities seminar (who was delightful and cheery and all things wonderful) taught us the following orgy mnemonic to remember the internal rotators of the humerus:
At the orgy, the lady is between the two majors. (The latissimus is between pec major and teres major.) And later on in the night, the man in the cap (subsCAPularis) joins in on the fun.
Hell yes, orgy mnemonic. =)